Willkommen beim EDV-Sachverständigen & IT-Forensikbüro
Zimmer & Partner mit Sitz in Menden (Sauerland) und Neustadt/Dosse.
Willkommen beim
EDV-Sachverständigen & IT-Forenskibüro
Zimmer & Partner mit Sitz in Menden (Sauerland) und Neustadt/Dosse.
Wir sind Ihr Partner für
- IT–Sicherheit
- Gutachten
- IT–Forensik
- Datenschutz
- Pentest
- IT-Sicherheit
- Gutachten
- IT-Forensik
- Datenschutz
- Pentest

We are the experts for accredited investigations and evidence of electronic data carriers and other media in cases of EDP system intrusions and EDP-based crime.
Computer forensics means: recognizing, investigating and solving computer system intrusions. This includes forensic examinations of computer systems plus the collection and securing of incontestable evidence in the case of data crimes that have been carried out.
The situation: child pornography on the internet, phishing for personal access data, network intrusions and DDoS attacks, the spread of malware and digital fraud have increased rapidly due to the global networking of criminals.
Als versierte Experten vom EDV-Sachverständigen & IT-Forenskibüro
As experienced experts from the IT Experts & IT Forensics Office Zimmer & Partner, we know: Information technologies of organizations and companies are exposed to a multitude of digital dangers on a daily basis. The latest since the widespread spying of user data on the Internet by foreign secret services, the topic of data theft has increasingly been in the public focus. It is not only the "big players" who are affected: domestic SMEs in particular are more often the target of targeted attacks than some managing directors believe.
The range of illegal activities is large - apart from the available criminally usable resources in the Clearnet, forums such as the Darknet and DeepWeb offer even more extensive starting points for criminal offenders. The IT Experts & IT Forensics Office Zimmer & Partner, with its offices in Menden/Sauerland and Düren, has dealt with all possible manifestations of cybercrime at an early stage. As an area of crime what is steadily increasing like hardly any other, Cybercrime summarizes criminal offences that are committed by exploiting modern information and communication technology.
As an ethical hacker and IT forensic expert in digital security, the IT Experts & IT Forensics Office is involved in the Alliance for Cyber Security of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). In the BSI initiative, all important partners in the field of cyber security join forces to inform about dangers in the network and to combat them. With its expertise, the IT Experts & IT Forensics Office Zimmer & Partner is in close cooperation with the investigators of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) as well as the state criminal police offices of various states.