Über Uns

Reliable security partner for SMEs, the private sector and government institutions in the DACH region for more than 15 years.

For more than 15 years, the IT Experts & IT Forensics Office Zimmer & Partner has been advising companies in the private sector as well as government institutions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland on IT compliance, data protection and IT security management.

Our team at the Menden (Sauerland) and Neustadt/Dosse locations has extensive expertise to quickly and specifically develop individual solution concepts and reliably provide their custom-fit implementation.

If desired, on behalf of our customers we can access their industrial facilities or other systems from the outside like professional hackers: This allows us to quickly identify vulnerabilities, find optimization approaches and secure potential targets from criminal attacks. We help solve cybercrime (IT-related security incidents) and offer high-end services for eDiscovery and eSearch requirements (legal security).

Well-known companies and institutions trust in our competence: Known through numerous reports about our work in print media, radio and television. However, individual discretion is our top priority: You will learn a lot about what we can do - but never about whom we have helped. This and our highly qualified services are the basis for our long-term client relationships.

Our services include, for example, individual penetration tests, comprehensive protocol analyses, specialized software tests (reviews) as well as forensic investigations and court-proof preservation of evidence. We also provide our services on a regular basis, for example in cooperation with lawyers, investigating authorities, auditors or certified accountants.

Knowledge is power: That is why we at the IT Experts & IT Forensics Office Zimmer & Partner are happy to pass on our know-how in expert lectures at target group events or as authors of specialist articles - feel free to contact us to find a solution that fits you perfectly.

On our pages we have attempted to provide comprehensive and compact information about our work: If you are missing a solution to your specific challenge, please feel free to contact our team. We are always eager to solve your problems. Our range of tasks is dynamic, we grow with our challenges. We do our best to offer you a solution so that you can reach your goal quickly and directly.

We will be happy to inform you: Ask for our references or let us convince you personally of our performance.

Karsten Zimmer

Karsten ZimmerAfter completing his studies in computer science (FH) in 1994, Karsten Zimmer first developed a digital camera system for mobile traffic monitoring for the city of Iserlohn. Over the years, he specialized in disaster recovery and system hacking.

Since 2009, he has been a freelance IT forensic investigator and ethical hacker on behalf of the Federal Criminal Police Office, various state criminal police offices, European authorities and the private sector. He is a specialist in data recovery, forensic investigation after virus attacks, smartphone examination, cryptography, data security in corporate communication and social networks. As an expert consultant, he works for ZDF and WDR, among others.

Since 2008, Zimmer has been an IT expert recognized by the VEGS and DGSV associations for many public prosecutors' offices and the private sector. His numerous training courses for the European police investigation authorities, among others, are also worth mentioning.

Karsten Zimmer has been working for the investigative committee of the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament since 2019. He is a member of the Association of German Criminal Investigators (BDK), the German Society for Criminology (DGFK) and the Alliance for Cyber Security at the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

Prof. Dr. Ronny Bodach

Prof. Ronny BodachProf. Dr. Ronny Bodach schloss 1999 sein Studium zum Informatiker (Studienrichtung technische Informatik) als Diplom-Ingenieur (BA) ab. Im Jahr 2005 beendete er sein Studium der Polizeiwissenschaften als Diplom-Verwaltungsfachwirt (FH). Von 2008 bis 2019 war Bodach als Kriminalhauptkommissar Leiter der Abteilung IT-Forensik der Polizeidirektion Zwickau.

Since 2019, Bodach has held a professorship in IT Security / Digital Forensics at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, and in 2021, he was appointed Dean of Studies in the professional degree programme IT Forensics / Cybercrime. Since 2020, he has been head of the Institute Application Center Microcontroller (ACMC) at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences.

Until 2019, Bodach worked as a lecturer for computer crime at the BA-Bautzen, BA-Dresden, BA-Glauchau, DHGE Gera-Eisenach and the Saxony Police University. He is a member of the European Association for Forensic Entomology (EAFE). From 2009 to 2011, he worked as a trainer of experts for the Association of European Surveyors and Experts (VEGS). Between 2011 and 2015, Bodach worked for the private certification service CertByCels 2011-2015. In 2007, he founded the company EYEWITNESS FORENSIC SOFTWARE and was its CEO until 2017.

Eva Nagamine-Jones

Eva Nagamine-Jones graduated in 1990 with a degree in engineering. Since 2018, she has been further qualified in the field of IT forensics / cybercrime and in 2023 she obtained the degree of Bachelor of Science in this field.

Ms. Nagamine-Jones has been working with forensic investigations for expert reports since 2022, specializing in the examination of video and image data, as well as the evaluation of internet use. She is a member of the Alliance for Cybersecurity at the German Federal Office for Information Security.

Karsten Zimmer

Karsten ZimmerAfter completing his studies in computer science (FH) in 1994, Karsten Zimmer first developed a digital camera system for mobile traffic monitoring for the city of Iserlohn. Over the years, he specialized in disaster recovery and system hacking.

Seit 2009 ist er freiberuflicher IT-Forensiker und Ethical Hacker im Auftrag des Bundeskriminalamtes, verschiedener Landeskriminalämter, europäischer Behörden und der freien Wirtschaft. Er ist Spezialist für Datenwiederherstellung, forensische Untersuchung nach Virenbefall, Smartphone-Auswertung, Kryptografie, Datensicherheit in der Unternehmenskommunikation und in sozialen Netzwerken. Als
Fachberater ist er unter anderem für das ZDF und den WDR tätig.

Since 2008, Zimmer has been an IT expert recognized by the VEGS and DGSV associations for many public prosecutors' offices and the private sector. His numerous training courses for the European police investigation authorities, among others, are also worth mentioning.

Karsten Zimmer has been working for the investigative committee of the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament since 2019. He is a member of the Association of German Criminal Investigators (BDK), the German Society for Criminology (DGFK) and the Alliance for Cyber Security at the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

Prof. Ronny Bodach

Prof. Ronny BodachProfessor Ronny Bodach completed his studies as a computer scientist (majoring in technical computer science) in 1999 as a Diplom-Ingenieur (BA). In 2005, he completed his studies in police science as Diplom-Verwaltungsfachwirt (FH). From 2008 to 2019, Bodach was the head of the IT forensics department of the Zwickau police directorate as a detective chief inspector.

Seit 2019 lehrt hat Bodach an der Hochschule Mittweida eine Professur für IT
Sicherheit/Digitale Forensik, im Jahr 2021 wurde er zum Studiendekan im
berufsbeleitenden Studiengang IT-Forensik / Cybercrime berufen. Seit 2020 ist er Leiter des Institut Application Center Microcontroller (ACMC) der Hochschule Mittweida.

Until 2019, Bodach worked as a lecturer for computer crime at the BA-Bautzen, BA-Dresden, BA-Glauchau, DHGE Gera-Eisenach and the Saxony Police University. He is a member of the European Association for Forensic Entomology (EAFE). From 2009 to 2011, he worked as a trainer of experts for the Association of European Surveyors and Experts (VEGS). Between 2011 and 2015, Bodach worked for the private certification service CertByCels 2011-2015. In 2007, he founded the company EYEWITNESS FORENSIC SOFTWARE and was its CEO until 2017.

Eva Nagamine-Jones

Eva Nagamine-Jones graduated in 1990 with a degree in engineering. Since 2018, she has been further qualified in the field of IT forensics / cybercrime and in 2023 she obtained the degree of Bachelor of Science in this field.

Ms. Nagamine-Jones has been working with forensic investigations for expert reports since 2022, specializing in the examination of video and image data, as well as the evaluation of internet use. She is a member of the Alliance for Cybersecurity at the German Federal Office for Information Security.

In view of the confidentiality that is often important in the course of investigations and the wishes of their clients, only excerpts and, to a large extent, anonymized reports can be given on their major expert opinions, commissions and participation in successful investigations. One example is the spectacular access by Karsten Zimmer and Ronny Bodach to a patient's pacemaker via WLAN, professionally accompanied by the Lüdenscheid cardiologist Prof. Dr. Bernd Lemke and Dr. Dejan Mijic, documented by Thomas Rostek (WDR studio Siegen).